medstaff.gif (44167 bytes)Lipin/Dietz Associates reaffirms its commitment to the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command by providing supplies, replacement parts, service and technical support for all of their audiometers. The following resources are available as a reference for the new Tremetrics HT Wizard audiometers as well as supplies for the existing Tremetrics/Tracor RA400 audiometers. 

 HT Wizard Resources


 MEPS Powerpoint Resources

 If  you need to load the powerpoint view files to allow viewing of the following Wizard  presentation, click here.

If  you want to view the powerpoint presentation for operation of the MEPS Tremetrics HT Wizard, click here.


MEPS Quick Reference Guide

Click here to download Adobe Acrobat The MEPS HT Wizard  reference quide  uses Adobe Acrobat. Click on the Adobe icon to get Acrobat Reader.

If  you want to review the quick reference guide for the operation of the MEPS Tremetrics HT Wizard click here.


MEPS HT Wizard Operator Notes

Click here to download Adobe Acrobat The MEPS HT Wizard  Operator Notes uses Adobe Acrobat. Click on the Adobe icon to get Acrobat Reader.

To review the Tremetrics HT Wizard Operator Notes provided with training, as well as a more detailed look at configuration references,  click here.