Occupational Health Services

In addition to the sales of  occupational health instrumentation, Lipin/Dietz Associates offers a variety of services designed to assist with the administration of hearing conservation and similar medical surveillance programs.  During these years we have developed a reputation for product knowledge and service excellence which is administered by  an experienced and professional staff.  

calibration.gif (16274 bytes) Calibration and Repair Services

Lipin/Dietz Associates has serviced thousands of audiometers, spirometers and vision testers on an annual or emergency repair basis.  In the event of an emergency service request, we provide an experienced technician on-site as quickly as possible and in accordance with any pre-existing service agreement.  This is typically within 72 hours for non-contract accounts and within 48 hours for pre-existing accounts.

If instruments require extensive repairs, loaner instruments are available.  Typically, the loaner instrument is the exact model of the instrument requiring service and we maintain an extensive inventory of loaner audiometers, spirometers and vision testers for these accomodations. Loaner instruments are available to pre-existing clients at no charge and to new non-contract accounts at reasonable rates.

 Noise Surveys

The development of an effective hearing conservation program begins with an accurate assessmsent of employee noise exposures. Noise studies performed by our enginrering staff using the latest type-2 noise-logging dosimeters  and type-1 sound level meters,  include comprehensive reports for both initial and periodic assessment.

globe2.gif (46672 bytes)Hearing Testing

 Lipin/Dietz Associates offers unique in-house testing at our client facilities at rates of up to 32 employees per hour using individual Eckel sound rooms and Tremetrics microprocessor audiometers.  Detailed individual and group reports are provided including electronic data archival and backup.

math.gif (39955 bytes) Audiogram Review

Lipin/Dietz Associates offers  a comprehensive audiogram review service that provides relevant and OSHA compliant management reports for your hearing testing data.  Demographic and audiometric data is fully encrypted for security and stored both on a dedicated server and individual client CD media. 

eburst.gif (46538 bytes)Training

Lipin/Dietz Associates strongly advocates on-going instrument and software training for all product lines that we represent.  As such, we offer comprehensive initial training with each instrument purchase, the opportunity to address any post-purchase issues and the opportunity to receive additional assistance from factory direct representatives.